H2 Forum of the Moravian-Silesian Region 2023
The largest two-day conference focused on hydrogen technologies and the development of hydrogen in the Czech Republic under the auspices of the Moravian-Silesian Region. Presentations by key stakeholders, discussions, networking and popularizing the awareness of emission-free technologies. We are online.
Více o H2 fóru
The hydrogen economy and emerging market are promising directions for a modern future based on technologies with high added value. Our aim is to create a platform based on inter-environmental cooperation between the commercial, academic and public spheres, which will create a setting initiated by the opportunities and challenges of modern economics, resulting in the establishment of fully-fledged hydrogen valleys. The ambition of the Moravian-Silesian Region, the organizer of this year’s H2 Forum, is to be the first of these coal region valleys.
Organizer MSK
The future of the Moravian-Silesian Region lies in hydrogen, which will play a major role especially in transportation. However, our ambitions are not limited to cars, buses and trains. Our sights are set further and we are not afraid to use hydrogen-powered boats on the Slezská Harta Reservoir! In short, hydrogen is an opportunity for every segment of our economy!
Jan Krkoška, MBA
Governor of the Region
Especially in this day and age of unpredictable electricity and gas supplies, it is obvious that we need hydrogen. Period. We must pull together and make the development of using hydrogen technologies our highest priority. If we join forces, we can find mutual inspiration, share know-how and strive together for European funding. Who other than the former coal regions should be the first hydrogen valleys in Czechia?
Ing. Jakub Unucka, Ph.D., MBA
1st Deputy Governor of the Region
Daniel Minařík
Special envoy of the MS Region for the development of hydrogen technologiesStanislav Mišák
Ředitel CEETJakub Unucka
1st Deputy Governor of the RegionMultifunctional Auditorium Gong
The industrial compound of Dolní Vítkovice has long ceased to be a center of heavy industry. Where iron was once forged, we now forge ideas. This year’s H2 Forum will be held in the former gasometer, which was transformed into the multifunctional Gong Auditorium under the supervision of world-class architect Josef Pleskot. The Small Hall, located on the first floor of the building, will serve as the facility for 200 hydrogen stakeholder delegates from both the Czech Republic and abroad.
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